My passion lies in working with survivors of traumatic experiences, whether they stem from a significant “Big T” trauma or more subtle, ongoing challenges.
Space for couples therapy in my practice is limited, as I work with only one couple at a time. If you would like to be added to my waiting list, please let me know by requesting an appointment.
Intense emotions like stress and anxiety can have a profound impact on both you and those around you. I invite you to work with me to explore effective ways to manage these emotions together.
I believe that true fulfillment comes from a willingness to grow and transform. Change often begins with the sense that something feels off—that life could be better or that there’s a challenge you’re ready to face. Therapy offers a valuable opportunity to explore these feelings, gain deeper understanding, and create meaningful change. It’s a step toward discovering the world around you and finding where you truly belong.
Creo que la verdadera plenitud proviene de la disposición a crecer y transformarse. El cambio suele comenzar con la sensación de que algo no está del todo bien, de que la vida podría ser mejor o de que hay un desafío que estás listo para enfrentar. La terapia ofrece una valiosa oportunidad para explorar estos sentimientos, lograr una comprensión más profunda y crear un cambio significativo. Es un paso hacia el descubrimiento del mundo que te rodea y de tu lugar verdadero en él.
In this section, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite books. If you feel inspired to read any of them, I’d love to hear your thoughts and favorite takeaways!
(972) 372-9839
1560 E Southlake Blvd,
Suite 100
Southlake, TX 76092